Unearthed (Cover) |
Two loving hearts which are two worlds apart and it seems that your true love is a thousand miles away, but love is in the air and you and your love or future love is looking at the same moon…Not all of us are romantic, but we all want romance in our lives. Could you use a creative boost, and need propelled in the love department? ... Do you want more love? ... Do you want to give and receive love beyond a simple box of chocolates and flowers that say the words, "I love you"? Sometimes you want more than that. Sometimes you want to show just how much you care; how much passion you really feel, and how much more your special someone means to you. Romance is the spice of life…spice up your life; start by adding romance to your life with this book, "Unearthed." And while you're at it... add more happiness to your life. Heal your heart. Learn to love and live with love. Uplift your or another’s broken heart. Find your own love in God's timing. Don't live your life without those you most love knowing how you feel. It's time for you to find the words to say what you need to say before it's too late. It’s difficult trying to be happy in today’s world. Let’s face it; most people don’t enjoy their lives. Between their jobs, money worries, too many things to do, and too little time, some people are lucky to have one hour of happiness a week. Don’t settle for that. You need more happiness in your life, not more chaos and confusion. And to be happy includes living with love... Having more love, having the love we want, giving and receiving love... being head over heels in love with the true love of our life. Even if you don't have that special someone in your life or a relationship yet, only means you and that special someone’s paths have not crossed yet. You need “Unearthed” which will lead you to find that special someone who is meant for you to spend your life with. This book, “Unearthed” is a gift you can give yourself as well as to others that want to find love. It's a must-have for anyone, in any relationship, who wants to spark more love in their lives. Read it from cover to cover, and you'll find yourself in a renewed relationship or on the quest to find that special someone meant for you. Even if you haven't found love yet, this book will give you the courage and hope to see the eventual finding or “Unearth”ing of love in your life differently. To realize what's important and to live in the moment of love “Unearthed.” From the author of, “What is Life trying to tell me?”, “Window of Within” and “A thousand miles of Paradise”, comes a roller coaster of a love story in emotions of hope, faith and courage about what it's really like to be single, holding on and believing for romance and true love and no end in sight to the wait for love and marriage. “Unearthed” takes the reader on a journey of emotions and spirituality, as time and romance seems to pass by, while questioning trusting in God to bring the love of your life. For Christian and non-Christian alike, this book is filled with messages that reflect a willingness to be open to fate, God's perfect plan and timing through faith; bringing hope and encouragement to those in their own season of waiting. Are you still waiting? Have you lost hope? Venture to victory of just how hard it is to wait for the day when true love has finally been Unearthed.
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Unearthed is now available in paperback.
Check it out here.
Unearthed (paperback)
ISBN-10: 0982549695
ISBN-13: 978-0982549698
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